Thursday, November 22, 2012

Oh, for the Love of Pajama Jeans!

It’s an excellent day NOT to be a turkey…or my pants. If I had been thinking, I would have stocked up on pajama jeans last year. Maybe I’ll correct that blunder on the most sacred day of the year – Black Friday. (For those who don’t know I come with a “prone to cynicism” warning label, I’m totally kidding.)

My sister Denise and her husband Chip are the brave souls who are hosting our family’s Thanksgiving dinner. So the first thing on my “What are you thankful for” list is that I’m not Chip and Denise. I dutifully made our family traditional recipe for Cranberry Chutney (Yummo) and made Dulce de Leche Cheescake bars for dessert – one of MANY treats we will have. (We all make desserts so none of us have to eat Dad’s undercooked pumpkin pies. Looooong story.)

I’ve been crashing on deadline, trying to get as much written on Crystal Storm (book #2 of the Hunted series for Harlequin Teen) before promo begins for my next release, Indigo Awakening, in December and the virtual tours in January. But I am determined to take some time off to enjoy the holidays and replenish the creative well. If there is any “writerly” or "life" advice I can share today, it’s that you should embrace all people and things. Enjoy them as if you were a child seeing everything for the first time.

So here is my game plan to make the most of my time off with the people I love and laugh with every day:

1.) The minute I walk into Chip and Denise's home I will turn off my cell phone and thoroughly enjoy the amazing smells coming from the kitchen. They are making THREE turkeys. (Yes, it sucks three times as much being a turkey at their house.)

2.) I’m going to hug absolutely everyone I see and take my time doing it, including One-eyed Jack, a visually challenged pug that snorts when you squeeze him.

3.) My ears will be tuned into every story and my chuckle box will be fully engaged because if there is another year ‘round tradition in my family, it is laughter.

4.) In my family, we have designated BUZZARDS. These are the few, the proud, the first at the bird. I don’t know who started this (totally ME), but the movement has been passed down to future generations. My nieces and nephews have learned the fine art of swooping in for the choice pieces (without leaving fingers behind) while my dad and Chip slice the turkey. Crispy skin is double points.

5.) I WILL NOT, under any circumstances, eat my meal in under 30 minutes. What is up with the rush, people? It takes hours to make (days even) and we finish as if there is a race & there’s a prize for being first done. (Of course if there IS a prize, forget what I said.)

6.) And an addendum to this pledge, I am extending these commitments to Saturday when my Dad is hosting a tailgate party for the Aggie game, a cabrito mexican dinner gorgefest. (It will suck to be a goat on Saturday. Spread the word.)

Okay, so that is my plan. I hope you have a wonderful holiday season with the people you love, but know that at the top of my list for things to be thankful for is YOU.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Pretty Boys Everywhere!

When I woke up this morning, this beautiful blue-eyed Aussie boy was the first thing I saw when I powered up my cell phone. HarlequinTeen Australia did an incredible job designing this cover. He reminds me so much of Lucas Darby. I also loved how they emphasized the word AWAKENING and tied the color to his stormy blue eye. In an instant, this cover tells a story and makes me want to pick up this book. Thanks, @HQNTeenAus for making my day!

If you have trouble seeing this image, here is the LINK.

Friday, November 9, 2012

INDIGO AWAKENING Virtual Tour Announcements & GIVEAWAYS

by Jordan Dane

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I will be launching INDIGO AWAKENING (HarlequinTEEN) on Dec 18th. Because December is such a hectic month, I will be postponing my promotion (v-tours & signing events) until January, 2013. INDIGO AWAKENING is book #1 in the Hunted series and is available for pre-order now. You can be first to read it before the virtual tours start, but here are the scoop on the upcoming online tours.
The first virtual tour will be hosted by KismetBT and scheduled for Jan 7 – Jan 18, 2013. Tour stops will have my book giveaway at each stop to one lucky winner, PLUS an amazing Harlequin Teen grand prize pack awarded at the end of the 2-week tour.
Another v-tour will be hosted by YABOUND and held the week of Jan 28th. This will be a blast tour format, PLUS Harlequin Teen will be giving away a GRAND PRIZE gift pack of goodies at the end of this tour too. 
Here are a few other deets for the giveaways on these tours:

For anyone who has read an advance copy of INDIGO AWAKENING, you know that a silver infinity bracelet plays an important part in the story. Special bracelets will be given away on the virtual tour so the lucky winners will be part of Rafael’s street family. Rafe’s bracelet was in black leather, but I’ve added a white leather braid as my personal remembrance to you for being in MY family.
Infinity Bracelet Giveaway 71LV9cSQLgL__SX395_
Another cool giveaway is a music from the pop punk band, Archimedes Watchout. These guys are friends of mine and are mentioned in my book. Whenever they tour in Texas and come to San Antonio, they stay with us. My husband and I love the 2 AM knock on our door. Friend them on Myspace. Very cool guys.
Grp Shot

I also will have a special giveaway for the audio book of IN THE ARMS OF STONE ANGELS with Audible and narrated by the award winning and talented voice actor, Michelle Ann Dunphy. She's amazing as Brenna Nash, my main character.

And I'll have uber-cool commemorative INDIGO AWAKENING bookmark swag, signed of course. Here are the front and back. The design is gorgeous. The color online is nothing like the real thing in your hands.
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